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Whats coming? Whats coming, is a vision God has spoken to Ben a few years ago. Its a vision that has huge impact on the world. A vision that has the potential to quicken the finishing of the Great Commission. That all would hear and then the end will come.

At the end of this summer we will make known to you what this vision/Project is.

I won’t say what it is right now, because of confidentiality agreements, but I will tell you this; this project involves you and every person you know. Its a project that potentially will unite the Christian world, and could be used by you daily. We are finishing up paper work and gearing up for its official announcement.

1 Million Dollars is our start up costs. 7 billion lives transformed is its potential.

I hope this intrigues you. Check back in August 2013.

Support our families travels to the US. We need at least $5200.

Would you ask God, “God, what is the most I should give to the Jones family?”
