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In your love, your prayers, and your support for our family. God taken that love, prayers and support and multiplied it across the unreached here in Asia.  Your love is multiplied in us and we multiply it to others.

Throughout this year I have taught and imparted love, prayer, and support at many discipleship trainings throughout Asia. At these trainings I highlighted subjects like “Craving God at all times”, “Experiencing God amongst the Lost”,  ”Co-laboring with the Holy Spirit in Evangelism”, and “Letting Jesus move in power through you”. The next blogposts are encouragements from some of the students to me via email, They are accounts of how God is multiplying in their lives as they reach out to the lost here in Asia. God is using normal, everyday people, like you and me, filling them with His Spirit, and the Kingdom is multiplying through these humble heroes.

Mr Alee, a local Thai man on our team has been growing in coming aside with Holy Spirit and hearing what He is doing. Alee also has a heart to reach out cross-culturally to other ethnic groups. We were in a Cambodian village. After morning prayers he felt the Holy Spirit say to go for a walk in the village. As John was out He felt the Holy Spirit say, “Go into that house.” There was an older couple were sitting out the front. Alee only speaks 3 lines of Khmer (the Cambodian language), and he only started to learn english.

He greeted them in the first line he knew, ‘Jom riep sua’,(hello in Khmer) no response, and he greeted them again, no response and a third time…with no response. Holy Spirit led him to sit down with them. The couple turned their heads slightly then resumed their initial positions. It was strange for Alee but he felt the Holy Spirit kept saying ‘Sit here.’
After a little while he felt led to return to the house where our team was staying, and find someone who could help to translate. Mr. Alee brought with him a Mr. Paulee, local Cambodian, which of whom he had been spending time with (not a Christian).Now Mr. Paulee speaks no Thai but speaks English (Mr.Alees language). Alee speaks no Kamai (Cambodian),and is in the very early stages of speaking English. So they both went and sat with this older couple and relied on the Holy Spirit for the words. They felt God, and God enabled them to share the good news of the Saviour Jesus, as Paulee translated sensitively to how Alee was speaking… I don’t know the end of the story, but we did see the young man whose village this is give his life to Jesus a week later – I understand he is the first in this village. 

Be encouraged my wonderful family of God, your love, prayers, and support are changing lives!

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