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In your love, your prayers, and your support for our family. God taken that love, prayers and support and multiplied it across the unreached here in Asia.  Your love is multiplied in us and we multiply it to others.

Throughout this year I have taught and imparted love, prayer, and support at many discipleship trainings throughout Asia. At these trainings I highlighted subjects like “Craving God at all times”, “Experiencing God amongst the Lost”,  ”Co-laboring with the Holy Spirit in Evangelism”, and “Letting Jesus move in power through you”. The next blogposts are encouragements from some of the students to me via email, They are accounts of how God is multiplying in their lives as they reach out to the lost here in Asia. God is using normal, everyday people, like you and me, filling them with His Spirit, and the Kingdom is multiplying through these humble heroes.

As I went by bus to Mae Sae today with a friend, we sat next to a beautiful girl named Mrs. Namnoon. As we spoke, her friend sitting near by, joined our conversation. He wanted to practice speaking English, his name was Mr. Tom.

Mr. Tom wants to be a fight attendant, so he can learn from other cultures.  We got talking about what are the basic needs of all people and how people fill those needs in different ways. As we spoke the experience of feeling loved came up; and Tom was open to experience the Presence of God, because we explained that God Himself is love. Tom was also open for us to pray that the Creator Spirit Who made him, would open a door for a flight attendant job, and that God would bless him in with improvements in speaking English.

So on this bus, we began our prayer for Tom by inviting the Holy Spirit to come upon him, and then we waited. Immediately, we all felt the Holy Spirits presence; and we asked Tom,  “How do you feel?”. And he said “I feel good, like.. really good, like… I feel awesome! This is really strange! An awesome crazy strange!” We explained that this is the Spirit of Jesus who created him, and Jesus created Tom to experience His Presence continually. Jesus wants to have a relationship with Tom.  Tom then really started to opened up about his life.

As my friend continued to speak to Tom, I put my arm around Mrs. Namnoon(the lady we were sitting next to, and I(a female) told her how beautiful she is and how lovely it is to be with her. She said she has had some encounters with the Holy Spirit, but because she is sooo busy at university, she hasnt continued seeking the Spirit of Jesus. She began to weep saying, ‘This is so strange! Its crazy what I am experienceing right now!’ I don’t know what this is!” And as she continued, she said ‘I feel so overwhelmed by work at university’.

We spoke about Jesus’ heart that He calls us to Himself when we are carrying heavy burdens and wants us not to do things by our own will power, but to open up for His Spirit to come in and comfort and fill us and be with us all the time. When this happens we receive His strength and desire to do those wonderful things and go on those wonderful adventures and times of growth. He has created for us WITH Him. She continued to weep as we prayed for Holy Spirit to come upon her. As we waited, We both felt the Holy Spirits presence and after she said, “This is amazing, strange but amazing  – even though nothing my situation has not changed, I feel so comforted and feel so peaceful’ We exchanged phone numbers as the bus trip ended and others of her friends were asking about the experience Mrs. Namnoon and Mr.Tom had as we prayed.


Be encouraged my wonderful family of God, your love, prayers, and support are changing lives!